Hi, I'm Harry Whelchel, and I help everyday people become successful artists.

I believe in the power of creativity and the impact it has on the world. Through my newsletter, video podcasts, and The Catalyst community, I offer a wealth of resources and connections to help artists thrive, both personally and professionally.

My content includes insightful interviews, actionable advice, and inspiring stories from artists, gallery owners, critics, curators, and other unconventional creatives. I celebrate art in all its forms, showcasing the many ways people tap into their artistic skills, regardless of their medium or job title.

By offering both free and paid subscription options, my aim is to create an welcoming yet focused community where members can engage in meaningful conversations, learn from one another, and grow their artistic careers.

Join us here and be a part of a passionate community that supports, encourages, and elevates creativity in all its forms. Let's celebrate art and chase our dreams, together!

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Uncovering the art in what people do.